PHP Conference Odawara 2025


(PECL imagick 2, PECL imagick 3)

Imagick::identifyImageIdentifie une image et lit ses attributs


public Imagick::identifyImage(bool $appendRawOutput = false): array

Identifie une image et retourne ses attributs. Les attributs sont sa largeur, hauteur, taille et d'autres.

Liste de paramètres


Si true, la sortie brute est ajoutée au tableau

Valeurs de retour

Identifie une image et retourne ses attributs. Les attributs sont sa largeur, hauteur, taille et d'autres.

Erreurs / Exceptions

Lance une exception ImagickException si une erreur survient.


Exemple #1 Exemple de format du résultat

    [imageName] => /some/path/image.jpg
    [format] => JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)
    [geometry] => Array
            [width] => 90
            [height] => 90

    [type] => TrueColor
    [colorSpace] => RGB
    [resolution] => Array
            [x] => 300
            [y] => 300

    [units] => PixelsPerInch
    [fileSize] => 1.88672kb
    [compression] => JPEG
    [signature] => 9a6dc8f604f97d0d691c0286176ddf992e188f0bebba98494b2146ee2d7118da

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

rhuanpachecok at gmail dot com
4 years ago
I have created a function to parse the "rawOutput" because the information provided by this function is quite useless.

function parseIdentify($info) {
$lines = explode("\n", $info);

$outputs = [];
$output = [];
$keys = [];

$currSpaces = 0;
$raw = false;

foreach($lines as $line) {
$trimLine = trim($line);

if(empty($trimLine)) continue;

if($raw) {
preg_match('/^[0-9]+:\s/', $trimLine, $match);

if(!empty($match)) {
$regex = '/([\d]+):';
$regex .= '\s(\([\d|\s]{1,3},[\d|\s]{1,3},[\d|\s]{1,3},[\d|\s]{1,3}\))';
$regex .= '\s(#\w+)';
$regex .= '\s(srgba\([\d|\s]{1,3},[\d|\s]{1,3},[\d|\s]{1,3},[\d|\s|.]+\)|\w+)/';

preg_match($regex, $trimLine, $matches);

$output['Image'][$raw][] = $matches;


else {
$raw = false;

preg_match('/^\s+/', $line, $match);

$spaces = isset($match[0]) ? strlen($match[0]) : $spaces = 0;
$parts = preg_split('/:\s/', $trimLine, 2);

$_key = ucwords($parts[0]);
$_key = str_replace(' ', '', $_key);
$_val = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : [];

if($_key == 'Image') {
if(!empty($output)) {
$outputs[] = $output['Image'];
$output = [];

$_val = [];

if($spaces < $currSpaces) {
for($i = 0; $i < ($currSpaces - $spaces) / 2; $i++) {

if(is_array($_val)) {
$_key = rtrim($_key, ':');
$keys[] = $_key;

if($_key == 'Histogram' || $_key == 'Colormap') {
$raw = $_key;

$currSpaces = $spaces;
$arr = &$output;

foreach($keys as $key) {
if(!isset($arr[$key])) {
$arr[$key] = $_val;

$arr = &$arr[$key];

if(!is_array($_val)) {
$arr[$_key] = $_val;


$outputs[] = $output['Image'];

return count($outputs) > 1 ? $outputs : $outputs[0];

Usage example:

$img = new Imagick('example.png');
$identify = parseIdentify($img->identifyImage(true)['rawOutput']);

But the "rawOutput" that this function returns only contains the first frame if it is a GIF. Alternatively you can use the command "identify" to get the data of all the frames:

$identify = parseIdentify(shell_exec('identify -verbose example.gif'));
php at ontheroad dot net dot nz
14 years ago
If you use the option to append the raw output, you can extract the mime type from there. I'm not sure what's going on in the background here, but it seems far less useful than the command line identify tool.
rob at OhReally dot nl
16 years ago
The array returned by Imagick::identifyImage():

[imageName] => /some/path/image.jpg
[format] => JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)
[geometry] => Array
[width] => 90
[height] => 90

[type] => TrueColor
[colorSpace] => RGB
[resolution] => Array
[x] => 300
[y] => 300

[units] => PixelsPerInch
[fileSize] => 1.88672kb
[compression] => JPEG
[signature] => 9a6dc8f604f97d0d691c0286176ddf992e188f0bebba98494b2146ee2d7118da

Looks like the only way to get the mimetype is getimagesize()...
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