PHP Velho Oeste 2025


(PECL ibm_db2 >= 1.0.0)

db2_conn_error Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by the last connection attempt


db2_conn_error(?resource $connection = null): string

db2_conn_error() returns an SQLSTATE value representing the reason the last attempt to connect to a database failed. As db2_connect() returns false in the event of a failed connection attempt, you do not pass any parameters to db2_conn_error() to retrieve the SQLSTATE value.

If, however, the connection was successful but becomes invalid over time, you can pass the connection parameter to retrieve the SQLSTATE value for a specific connection.

To learn what the SQLSTATE value means, you can issue the following command at a DB2 Command Line Processor prompt: db2 '? sqlstate-value'. You can also call db2_conn_errormsg() to retrieve an explicit error message and the associated SQLCODE value.



A connection resource associated with a connection that initially succeeded, but which over time became invalid.

Значення, що повертаються

Returns the SQLSTATE value resulting from a failed connection attempt. Returns an empty string if there is no error associated with the last connection attempt.


Приклад #1 Retrieving an SQLSTATE value for a failed connection attempt

The following example demonstrates how to return an SQLSTATE value after deliberately passing invalid parameters to db2_connect().

= db2_connect('badname', 'baduser', 'badpassword');
if (!
$conn) {
"SQLSTATE value: " . db2_conn_error();

Поданий вище приклад виведе:

SQLSTATE value: 08001

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