PHP Conference Odawara 2025


(PECL ibm_db2 >= 1.8.0)

db2_pcloseCloses a persistent database connection


db2_pclose(resource $connection): bool

This function closes a DB2 client connection created with db2_pconnect() and returns the corresponding resources to the database server.


This function is only available on i5/OS in response to i5/OS system administration requests.

If you have a persistent DB2 client connection created with db2_pconnect(), you may use this function to close the connection. To avoid substantial connection performance penalties, this function should only be used in rare cases when the persistent connection has become unresponsive or the persistent connection will not be needed for a long period of time.



Specifies an active DB2 client connection.

Значення, що повертаються

Повертає true у разі успіху або false в разі помилки.


Приклад #1 Closing a persistent connection

The following example demonstrates a successful attempt to close a connection to an IBM DB2 i5/OS database.

= db2_pconnect('', '', '');
$rc = db2_pclose($conn);
if (
$rc) {
"Connection was successfully closed.";

Поданий вище приклад виведе:

Connection was successfully closed.

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